Thursday, October 30, 2014

A Study in Contrasts

Last week's Snapshot of the Hudson was quite an adventure. The conditions we lived through should add to the lore of that day. The kids were uncomfortable, but intrepid in the wind and rain.

With the weather, we did not run a complete rotation through stations. But each team at each station was able to pull together information we can share. The rain meant the children did not find any fish or macroinvertebrates. But they wielded those nets, hoping for the best. We were able to collect turbidity, pH, and chlorophyll data. This week, the kids are working in art class to complete their observational drawings, using pictures and their own memories to complete the task.

In the weeks leading up to the Snapshot day, the 2-3s worked at our pond to get familiar with the tools and procedures they would employ at the river. The weather those days was absolutely divine.

A real study in contrasts, wouldn't you say?!