Tuesday, October 8, 2013

"Sciencing" at Parker

These last weeks, our science classes have been preparing the 2-3s for their visit to the Hudson River. We spent time at our creeks observing, returned to begin learning about water tests we will do at the River, and donned science goggles to conduct pH tests.

On Friday, we spent Muddy Boots Club time getting used to the equipment and procedures we'll use when we test the river water for turbidity and chlorophyll. Cool equipment, multiple steps for each test, and the need for a group of engaged teammates...there was lots of excitement! A side benefit of this work is the need for the children to share materials and organize themselves in a way that allows for everyone to fully participate. Cooperative teamwork skills were practiced and stretched.

I've attached an article about the value of active learning in science. It argues that children should be involved in "sciencing," a new verb for me. The suggestion is that children need to be actively involved in scientific investigations that give them first-hand experiences. This is the very essence of science learning at Parker. We are both lucky and in the vanguard to be doing science this way. We are also blessed to have Kate Perry as our science teacher. "Sciencing"with students is her priority every day. 


When I look at the pictures I take of the 2-3s during science class, I am always struck by the focused expressions on my students' faces. The gazes are intense and the pencils at the ready to create observational drawings and record data. 

 Our student-scientists will be continue sciencing like this all year.

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