In art class, the 2-3s drew dinosaur skeletons and are now making paper mache models of their dinosaurs. This work deepens their learning and makes their understanding visible.

While working on last semester's theme--How Our Land Changed Over Time--these creatives never tired of building their model landscapes and structures to complement their research on Native Americans, colonial settlers, or cities.

Their life-size paintings also demonstrated a connection to period clothing styles.

The 2-3s also make things as an expression of artistry. Here the 3rd graders kicked off our unit on 2-D geometry by celebrating their talents with geo-boards and pattern blocks. Yes, they went 3-D with the pattern blocks. They couldn't help themselves. :-)
If you offer these makers a chance to make mini-apple pies, they are immediately on board. ;-)
Sarah, last semester's fantastic Hudson Valley Community College student teacher, closed out her time in the 2-3s with this baking experience.
Origami and paper airplanes, for sure...
...and also one fine day, signs to advocate for endangered animals.
Followed by an impromptu rally in the hallway to raise awareness among middle schoolers.