Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Classroom Life in Pictures--Part 3 Making Our Learning Visible

This is a group of makers. Over the course of this year, the 2-3s have created countless things to both discover and share new knowledge.

In art class, the 2-3s drew dinosaur skeletons and are now making paper mache models of their dinosaurs. This work deepens their learning and makes their understanding visible.

While working on last semester's theme--How Our Land Changed Over Time--these creatives never tired of building their model landscapes and structures to complement their research on Native Americans, colonial settlers, or cities.



Their life-size paintings also demonstrated a connection to period clothing styles. 

To complement her exploration of water turbines during our theme study, one 2nd grader worked at home with her dad to construct a miniature water wheel that actually powered a light. She presented her work to us and we all got so much out of that fantastic extension of learning.

The 2-3s also make things as an expression of artistry. Here the 3rd graders kicked off our unit on 2-D geometry by celebrating their talents with geo-boards and pattern blocks. Yes, they went 3-D with the pattern blocks. They couldn't help themselves. :-)

If you offer these makers a chance to make mini-apple pies, they are immediately on board. ;-)
Sarah, last semester's fantastic Hudson Valley Community College student teacher, closed out her time in the 2-3s with this baking experience.

Give a 2-3 a piece of paper and you never know what might emerge. 

Origami and paper airplanes, for sure...

...and also one fine day, signs to advocate for endangered animals.

Followed by an impromptu rally in the hallway to raise awareness among middle schoolers.

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Classroom Life in Pictures--Part 2 Writing and Thinking

The 2-3s write across the curriculum. They write to communicate their understanding of new ideas and key concepts. They write to record data and observations. They write paragraphs to share their research. They write to tell the world a story. Writing is all about thinking.

Sharing writing with others ups everyone's game. For some assignments, we work in formal critique sessions. We all need feedback and peer feedback is extremely powerful for most writers.

I also believe in informal collaboration where writers either team up or work near each other, sharing their energy and offering support and inspiration.
3rd graders modeling how to critique a writer's work. 

Another model critique session.

A young writer starts a new self-initiated project.
Many writing assignments encourage the kids to sketch visuals to tell their stories or explain their findings--either before or after they have written. Visuals are no short cut. Writing is a very complicated task and there are lots of forces that can get in the way of transferring the ideas whirring in the brain onto the page. Visualization is a sophisticated thinking strategy that opens the imagination, brings in focus, and helps young writers plan out what they want to say.  

In science class this winter, the 2-3s undertook new research work. Each child studied a chosen dinosaur. They used texts and our new set of iPads to complete their research. Every science class was animated with spontaneous announcements about another totally cool fact discovered about their dinos.

Families provide an extra boost to a writer's life. By being an audience for writing projects and celebrations, you absolutely spur your young writer on. Special Friends Day gave the 2-3s a chance to collect memories and write about family reunions. 


Our Shows of Work also encourage kids to strive for more in their writing since an audience awaits them at the end of the process. Everyone is working towards a common purpose. A constant dialogue we have during these preparations is about working above the bar and stretching beyond a comfort zone, knowing that you will be there to marvel at their accomplishments.


The 2-3 writers have also started cursive work. They're all in!!